10 Things I Learned in Heaven cover

This little book offers inspiration, hope, peace, and balance.   

When Moneca Litton's father started talking to her from Heaven she knew that the information she was receiving was a gift. Her father had said, "These words are not for you alone, but for humanity."

This compact and beautifully designed little book of hope is jam-packed with inspirational maxims, wisdom, insight, and more (some channeled, some created), providing the reader with encouragement for every week of the year. For those in grief it provides positive proof that our departed loved ones although not physically present are indeed with us from the Other Side. 

Spanning ten years of conversations, the chapter breaks are direct quotes from her Dad concerning his lessons in the otherworld, hence, chapters 1-10. Her comments follow. For example:

Year 10 - Re-registering in the Book of Life

"Here I am, and what I believe is that every soul has the right and the courage to come back time and time again for clarity and advancement, for blessings from the Light, and to re-register in the Book of Life."

Week 48

"It isn't so much about the struggle; it is about loving each and every moment--whatever it is or brings that needs to be experienced by you."

Only through absolving inner conflict are we free to capitalize on the next stage of our growth.

Look who endorsed this book.

"Eloquently simple, yet powerful. The lessons within these pages will surely enrich your life journey."
--Constance Kellough, Publisher/President of Namaste Publishing. Author of THE LEAP - Are you Ready to Live a New Reality?

*I'd tend to pay attention to Constance. She's the publisher who brought the world the writing of Eckhart Tolle.


"A lovely, inspiring, truth-ringing book. Superb."
--Elizabeth Lyon, bestselling author of books for writers, including Nonfiction Book Proposals Anybody Can Write

*When an international educator on self-publishing like Elizabeth finds a book "super" could this book be for you? 




It came as a powerful male voice, that commanded, "Sit down." When Moneca's father started talking to her after his death, her feelings were of shock and awe. How could anyone carry on conversations from the Other Side? She was to learn he could, and does, to this day. Is there a heaven? Do our loved ones help us from the Other Side? Is there life after life? This book helps to clarify these questions and more, and is the perfect book of hope for these energetically topsy-turvey times.

Moneca Litton is a best selling author and has written on business and for children. She helps animals with their emotional problems with the use of Bach Flower Essences, and in addition, she is an animal communicator and intuitive.

A strong communicator she delivers workshops and key-note addresses on spirituality, after death communication, and the human/animal bond.

Moneca lives happily on beautiful Vancouver Island with one dog, and two cats. 



                             Altadea Press Limited. 



Moneca  and Bella

Ten Things I Learned in Heaven

$ 14.95 CAD

This channeled self-help book of inspiration and hope offers all who read it not only permission to acknowledge their after-death experiences with a loved one, but spiritual guidance by the week for these topsy-turvy times.

Taxes included. Shipping extra. All sales final.

Distributed by Red Tuque Distributing

Penticton, BC

Altadea Press Limited

Vancouver Island, BC

$14.95 Cdn.

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