Frequently Asked Questions

December 7, 2011
Q. Why is it that I have never had a visit from my dead mother?

A. As I see it, you probably have had some communication but simply did not recognize it. It could have been a feeling that she was there beside you, or a shadowy-like figure you thought you saw from the corner of your eye. You might have been in a shopping mall and suddenly heard her favorite song or walked into a room and smelled her perfume. Spirit (ADC's) after death communications come to us in a variety of ways. It is not important how but what they do. Accept whatever spirit offers and say "thank you." 

Tuning into what you know to be true

October 18, 2011
What I have determined is that we all have the ability to converse or sense or smell or otherwise identify a visit from those we loved dearly who are now on the Other Side. It may be as simple as them coming in a dream, smelling their perfume, or sensing their closeness to you. They are all valid connections and are to be cherished.

Moneca Litton, author, 10 Things I Learned in Heaven: Inspiration by the Week.

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About Me

When my father's spirit started talking to me ten years ago I had no experience or point of reference to help me understand the experience. I have created this blog to help others with their journey of acceptance that what happens is real and is not to be discounted through fear, religion, or self-doubt. Our loved ones (human and animal) give great comfort in providing us with on-going guidance. Perhaps you have an experience you would like to share that will help others to accept their gift of an after death communication.

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